...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^

Age 40, Male

permanent headbanger



Joined on 7/20/05

Exp Points:
49,840 / 100,000
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Vote Power:
10.02 votes
Audio Scouts
Sup. Commander
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B/P Bonus:
1y 11m 30d


SWEEEEET your music rules

Uhm...thanks a lot there pal! Glad you enjoy it! :D

i agree with the dude below me. your music rocks.

Now where are all those comments comming from? XD

Why thanks dude! Rock on! \m/

beep beep

who's there!? D:

And you think after this I`m going to comment you now?

Btw: I added you as a Favorite Artist =P
Where is my money now?

I don't know, mayyyybe? D:

OMG fav. artist. lolls and omgs!




Shit and giggles

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaan, thats what I am! >: (

Nuff said! lolified and stuff!

Hello motherfucker! :D

Hello Fuckermother! :D

(I apologize for sending you 2 of these but I wasn't sure which inbox you check)

Dear DarKsidE555,

My name is Red October. I started an online alternative media productions group called Red October Media, (R.O.M.) at the beginning of this summer. I create (short) political/social point and humorous movies using programs such as iMovie and Windows Movie Maker.

I was wondering if I could possibly use your song "A World So Cold" for a film of mine about depression. The movie makes the point (among others) of how many people it affects. Several of my movies make points but do not make claims about facts that I haven't made sure are true. I also make sure I state the artist and their material that I put in my films even if I have heavily altered the material.

I know to you I do not seem like a very likely source of quality material, but I try my hardest with each film I make, and strive to improve each time on my efforts. I review my films over and over looking for flaws in the timing, transitions or effects. I understand as well that this is strictly amateur work being given to a professional, but I do not want to be known by name for my work.

I hope I haven't taken too much of your time by having you read this letter. I tried to be as clear and concise as possible. Thank you for reading this and thank you for your time DarKsidE555.

Red October
Red October Media (R.O.M)

P.S. That's a FUCKING AWESOME guitar you have :D.

Heh, that was much for just a "can I use the song!?". Well uhm, sure you can. As long as you credit me and post the url of my NG page it's totally fine with me. About the "quality material" Just check a couple of my older songs, they were worse in the beginning, so no big deal.

Guitars ftw in general! \m/

Awesome sticker on your guitar! I'd do the same but it would ruin my tombstone skull pattern :o


Don't do it then. :(

Btw...hello thar! lololol! Check the new shizzl if you like! \m/

ooooooooooooookaaaay here u go.


I think, but I am not sure, is that a custom B.C. Rich Warlock? Looks kickass to me. Your music definately earned you a favorite artist add on my profile. Keep up with the kickass music!

Nope, it's a B.C. Rich "Virgo Blood". Just another series, no custom made model. ;) Why thank you very much for the fav. kind sir! Here, have some E-hugs! lmao.

But seriously...Thx dude, glad you enjoy my stuff!

hey! grüsse aus dem wilden osten! :D

ich dachte auf newgrounds gibs nur flash und noch mehr flash, aber wer hätte das gedenken zu tun?
man, auf dem foto siehst du 10 jahre älter aus als da drunter angegeben ist. das soll keine beleidigung sein, nene!

Nope, auf Newgrounds gibts auch AUDIO. ;D

Nene, natürlich nehm ich das als Kompliment auf...bis ich 26 bin. ;)

I love the music, can wait to hear the remix of X vs Zero :-p! and thank you so much for agreeing to do it after further songs :)!

Yeah...it'll be done...don't know when though. :/

I don't have much time on my hands lately to pump out some good old Mega Man tunes. :(


lmao, ur even more ghey! >:(

Aww man, let me know tho, just msg me :)

Will do sir! ;D

fdhkskn gfsda'f jsdkgfashrewTWERNHTYKERytwmaepte,ptwe rnterihf;sldhfsdkfdh klfesrtafwefawerfWEKTOeruts i love your music! (and you o.o) instant fav. ;D

öla<skjdlkfjalksdjf! Glad you love my shit! ;D

sup? yo music rocks! rock the fuck on!

Glad you like it duder! \m/

Thanks for stopping by! ;D



More Music Reviews then me? NO WAI?!?!?! >:(

All with the force young jedi! >:(

bla bla bla bla...didn't see your other news post. Call me a bad friend, for not leaving something here, sooner.

So here it is. I'm on day two of complete cold turkey, on the NO smoking thing. That fucking stupid "program" I was on was pissing me off, so I just got fed up...and went cold goddamn turkey. I've had to keep busy somehow. I've put in a shitload of reviews...checked out a million songs...

Holy fuck man. What a fuckin drug. I'd pick up my guitar, but my fucking fingers actually tremble. So, instead...I'll type you a goddamn story.

This is a bad man original. I'm making it up as I go along.

So one night, He was sitting there, in his "comfy" chair. Alone, as usual. No one ever talked to him. In fact, he never went out, to be talked to. This night would be different.
As he was reading a story in the newspaper, about the park being vandalized the night before...there was a knock at the door.

No one EVER knocked on his door.

So, slowly he got up and walked to the door. Many thoughts ran through his head..."Is this a home invasion, someone wants to steal everything I've earned". He looked around his empty, decaying room. Black stains ran down the walls..they'd been there for years. But they were His stains and no one could take them away.

The knocking got louder...and his heart seemed to pound at the same velocity.

Who the fuck was this intruder of his solitude. This can only be bad. There were no other reasons for anyone to be knocking, at this time of evening. Several scenarios ran through his head...

The knife wielding assailant, charging in as soon as the door opened. The gun toting stranger, kicking in the door as it peeked open. Or worse, someone with a hammer, going to beat him to death. His mind raced, and he made a quick detour to the kitchen..

"Better safe than sorry" he grumbled, as he grabbed the biggest knife he could find.


"Jesus fucking christ, this guy wants in bad."

Wishing he had paid his phone bill 5 years ago...he guessed the best medicine here, is to greet evil with evil...if in fact it is the case.

He peered through the peephole of the door. It was dirty. It was too dark to make out more than just a shadowy figure.

He reached for the doorknob, with the knife in his other hand, on the wall..hidden from whomever he was about to open the door for.

"Dammit, I wish I paid my electric bill too...then I'd have some light"...

Slowly he turned the doorknob in a clockwise direction, as he always had...planted his feet in an ideal position for whatever would be coming through, when he opened it.

Slowly the door opened.. Even through the crack, it was hard to see exactly what he was facing. In a spurt of bravery, he whipped the door open as fast as he could...ready.

The stranger spoke.

"I'm selling these......ahhhrrgglee ahhhhhhh....."

Before the stranger could finish his sentence...the kitchen knife was buried deep into his throat, just under his left ear. The blade was positioned towards the interior of the house, and as it exited the other side...still buried in flesh...it was pulled forwards....spilling and spraying blood to the inside, onto the doormat. He was pulled inside...and the door shut quickly.

"How dare you, try to STEAL FROM ME!"

It sounded like dragging your feet on a gravel road, as the stranger was dragged towards the rear of the house, by his hair. An interior door was opened, exposing a dark starwell, shadowed by the lit candles. The stranger was shoved down the stairs..where he limply bumped down 4 or 5 stairs and stopped.

Confused at this, a candle revealed that the basement was too full to harbor too many more bodies.

"Time to clean, again..." were the only words muttered, as the door shut.

"Such a shame, graffiti in the park, goddamn punk kids have NO respect these days"

The paper rustled, and the springs from the comfy chair strained as he sank back into solitude.

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