NG still lacks of some good old Mega Man tunes. Sure, there are quite a few but still - some very cool one's are missing and besides...most of the arrangements are only technoish bling blings. :(
I say, Mega Man is all about fucking metal and thats were people like myself come in play. As a long time Mega Man fan and metal recording artist, I'm working hard atm. to get some good old tunes revived. I already made some arrangements in the last two years but in points of quality, they just aren't "that" good. (in my opinion at least)
In case you wanna check the already made tunes, go here:
Though, with experience comes quality and I think I'm at a point where I can punch out some real quality tunes for you listening bastards out there! ;P
So stay tuned for some fine Mega Man action in the next time! \m/
ALSO, thanks a damn lot for the frontpage feature NG! Much <3!
i'm completely d'acord, there's only MIDI versions with bad tuned plugs, the most passed by Fruity Loop (aannnddd i guess i have to admit it, i do something like that, but it was a long ago) there's no goods remixes fro Quickman (except for one "With The Quickness" but actually is on OCRemix website" and neither of Zero of Megaman X3, just sucks what we have do, but i think there's no way to make people change, maybe all the work belongs to us, who knows.
DarKsidE555 (Updated )
There is a way...It's called hard work and are speaking of the MMX3 Zero Theme? Check this for a first example of what I'm going to do with the tunes...
You see, Quickman's stage is quite tricky to set up with the's on my "to do list" and I'm trying to get it done as good as I can.
Mega Man ftw anyways! ;D