So, yeah...people are gonna hate me for this review (buaah) :(
Don't get me wrong, you do good stuff, but overall you should work more on the structur of your songs.
Doomsday, Sleep no More, Stone Angel and False Memory sound preety equal in their sturctur to each othter. Aspecially False Memory and Stone Angel ("The Wait" riff)
I mean, you often know exactly what comes next. Not, that it is bad, but a tracks even kick more ass, when your getting blowed away with something unexpected. ;)
Anyways, thats for the critics, and now for the good things. The clarity is very good, also the drums. The riffs are easy, but played well. For a 15 year old, your doing a good job.
Overall here it's a 7, but in the end I give you 4/5 + download.