LoL Beatcrap!
You still work with the same old stuff ey? Stop it already and get something real stuff for a change. ;D
Lazy bastard! 4/5 for da lullz!
LoL Beatcrap!
You still work with the same old stuff ey? Stop it already and get something real stuff for a change. ;D
Lazy bastard! 4/5 for da lullz!
Pretty sweet!
Powerfull riffings and a good grab of "in yo face". Bad-Man's vox are very much fitting in this. Cool bridges with the clean parts. A little let-down are the drums. Personally I think the snare is a bit too pinchy and the kick kinda drowns in the mix. Overall I think it could be more present in the mix/master.
None the less, a very cool composition! Guitar work and effects were enjoyable to listen to! Good job! ;)
woot a review from DarkSide ! Thanks a lot dude !
I will remake this song as soon I can and improve the mix.
Thanks again !
I love little pony's! :D
Yummy funny power metalish funmetal. I laughed my ass off. XD
You LOVE little ponys! YAY!
Not bad!
Personally...I think the build up takes a bit too long to the actual thing...if there is any actual thing. XD
Those scratches gave the track a nice feel but I think it lacks of something. A real outburst so to say. It was solidl, that much I can say and it had it's moments but I think you could have done a bit more with it...more than it actually is.
None the less, it was nice to listen to.
Thanks for the honesty.
Cool! :)
Nice one man, just soo damn short! Now you feel the pain of having a slow internoodle. Sucks, right?
Sad little song there bro, though...a bit you know...missing something? Too bad you're not having too much time on your hands for music lately. Otherwise I'm sure this would be pretty bad ass! :D
None the less, you know the score! ;D
Yeah, well...we can't actually do with it. It effects my wife's business. Even though they said it wouldn't. So we'll be going back. haha. 4 days is long enough. haha.
Yes, this is missing somthing. Its missing low end, some bass ish type stuff. Which I'm sure I will add in time. I was just having a hard time choosing an instrument to go low end, on. But yeah, it kinda bugs me too..but keep checking back. I have till the 30th keep amending. :D
Thanks for the review.
I see you submitted a world so cold. I emailed you a version I was playing with, a while back. Fresh vocals and some different harmonies. Anyways, thanks again, my brother.\m/
A bit louder and it's all fine!
Other than that...I'm quite impressed about the sound you got there. A bit more master output and it's perfectly fine. Well composed...was it hard to do?
Welll... the problem is Classical music is all about the dynamic contrast, so while it seems quieter, trust me, it was all I could do to prevent clipping. Using a compressor was out becuase it undermines dynamics, soooooooo... yeah..
Was it hard? Well... in some ways, yes, becuase unlike metal track which is usually 5 or 6 instruments, you have to orchestrate for 20 or so different instruments (give or take) and keep in mind that each instrument can have up to 4 parts and that each instrument has its own Key and range... So was it hard? In a way yes, but then again Recording can be just as hard as composing something like this.
Next time, record the guitars and bass yourself, it's much more lively that way. As a guitarist myself, I dislike guitar and bass synths very much. They just sound...wrong.
Anyways, quite a good half remix you got there...I say half because I was expecting an expension of the song or an addition to the melody. Not only a drum beat change. ;)
Overall though, good work.
Yeah, the recording of the guitar and bass wouldn't be a problem if my computer didn't have problems starting pretty much anything except Tetris. XD
I know what you mean about the guitar and bass synths, I personally find them generally awful, but this song just wasn't doable without them. Hate to see guys turn these songs into cheesy electro remixes. :P
Thanks a lot for taking the time to write a review!
Sry for the late wank in. I was busy with real life shit. Anyways, carcass is goo old yummy 90's metal so I guess I'm in. Just drop me a pm what to do. Cockjokes! >:U
Metaljonus can pack his sack now. lulz Dis da best SOLO EVUR! COckrider rides his horsy. lul
I bet you've played everything with your pen0r! \m/ AMAZING! \m/
2.93 / 5.00 (+ 0.31)
Yeah, that's why it's so damn awesome. I played cock-slap guitar. It hurts at first, but now my pen0r is like a rock. A rock of secks doom.
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05