Not bad...
for a jam. ;)
If you can, work a little bit on your distortion ( tha fuzz) and mastering. Those leads could be brought a little more up in it.
Overall, nice...4/5
Not bad...
for a jam. ;)
If you can, work a little bit on your distortion ( tha fuzz) and mastering. Those leads could be brought a little more up in it.
Overall, nice...4/5
Thanks for the review, glad it was enjoyed. i didnt think this was too bad either, but definately not my best work. all in all, not too bad, considering it was done on about 2 or 3 days or so without sleep (Hence, Insomnia Jam). gonna fix that disasterous Rhythm sound, and level in some drums, make it a more solid tune. keep an eye out for an updated version later on. thanks again for the helpful review, as always, the feedback is appreciated! (so long as it isnt blaring out of an Amp =P )
Well, you've done it again. 1. place on weekly spotlight...Old sock! I'm starting to get jealous. >:( lmao.
This little baby has a nice structur, though your distortion for the rythm guitar sounds a bit to bassy this time. That solo at the end kicked in like roooar. Good that is. :D
See ya in Sockland. \m/>5<
hahaha. Weird, this was turning out to be one of my least favorite tunes. I just liked the beginning alot, so constructed from there. Anyways, good sock man...don't be jealous, you are like a jedi master, and I am merely ....I was gonna say young "Luke"...but I'm more like fucken chewbacca.\m/SOCK\m/
Nearly a perfect cover! Speedy showed me the Intro before the release. I already said that he improved his sound a fucking lot! So again, great going there.
The vocals sound very good too! Nearly as good as Bad_Man's vox. ;)
Hehe, just kidding, you both have a kick ass voice! Fits perfect!
Yeah, 5 up ya wanks. :D
Thanks for the review Darkside. I like Badman's vox too. he's got a great voice. thanks again.
crazy inglisch man. lmoa. The riffs are fucking evil. I would take the rythm stuff for a Gore tune. \m/
4 noodles out of 5.
Cheers man, maybe GoreBastard will use these riffs....
Ride the cocks of justice!
Yeah, nice leads there, it's good for a none drum track. As recommended you should get yourself a drumming program. Most Samples, Songs etc. with drums are standard here. I made the same mistake the first time. :D
Anyways, it's played solid and crispy, awaiting the version with drums. ;)
DnB is not my style, but that doesn't mean it's shit. Good beat and a nice complex production there dude. Clever snare fade in's and out's.
Give 5/5 and my personal hooray! XD
Thanks alot, I was trying to master with the snare fade rolls. Woot a personal horray! I never got that before! Thanks for the great comment too!
Yeah, cool cover mate, fucking nice distortion sound. Too bad there's a lack of bass here. The base drum could use some more.
Did you programmed the synth? Sounds good. Kensmalts vocals are good, but not really my kind of style. Different opinion there. ;)
Overall a worthy tribute.
Yeah the bassdrum could use some tweaking in this but I really liked it overall.
Yeah I made the synth in the FL6 demo I recently downloaded glad it sounds good. I loved his vocals on this one but in the end it does come down to personal preference.
Thanks a lot for the review.
I say...
old bean, nice little jamming there. What happend to your quality? Sucked hard this time. Don't be a lazy sockman just because it was jamming. ;)
Or are the 14 sized ones too hard to
Anyways 4 horns out of 5, thats \\m// or lol.
Hahaha...wasnt lazy, was actually playin with some equalizer settings. Just to see what can be done. So no lazyness here...heheh. Just wasnt the right setting. I'll keep tryin, so my quality gonna sound weird over the next few....except the one you and me gonna do..I'll let you do the mixin...heheh. Can always count on you for the awesome feedback.Rock with the SOCK!!\m/
Not bad!
Well, the guitar sounds blank to me...what kind of editor program do you use? Try to compress your sample so that your frequence has a better sound. Also try to double pan your guitar...In other words, record or copy and paste it twice or more to get a better and louder sound. Oh, and cut the not needed parts like the end, where you turn of the mic. or something, yeah. :D
The sample is not bad, still it needs work! Just try those things out, you will be suprised of teh results. For drums I suggest acoustica beatcraft...(most of us use it hear haha)...
Give it 3 muffs out of 5.
Thank you, and as soon as I have money to buy better equipment and programs, I will take your suggustions!
~~Lost Requiem~~
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05