Gives me goose bumps all over. Sounds very creepish. Those "bell" kinda samples. OMG! ;)
Good work, you druggy bastard. =D
Gives me goose bumps all over. Sounds very creepish. Those "bell" kinda samples. OMG! ;)
Good work, you druggy bastard. =D
Creepish huh? Yeah this wasn't me - it was all of the chemicals - they got together and managed to get access to my pc - I blacked out at some point and when I came to, I noticed that NG was open in a window and they had submitted this.
Damn drugs...
Good stuff!
Nice melodical piece. Got some pretty nice moments in there. Only thing I have to complain are the drums. You should have brought them a little up in the mix and EQ them a little better. Thats quite all.
Cool Song, cool Sound.
Cool Votingbar...\m/>5<
Thanks, glad you liked...
Sorry bout the drums..
The Multi-track recorder i work with has terrible playback, so its impossible to gauge how to level the Instruments properly, i was just trying not to overload the Monitors =P
ill probably make a better version later, Till then this will do i guess.
Thanks again man! Its much appreciated!
I hate you!
LoL, just joking. XD
Flamey send it over earlier then you submitted it. hahaha so I was one of the first one's that heard it, hehe.
Sneak Sock preview you know. ;)
Nice! glad to hear you still got some love for your sock brother!!hehheh, plus you and me will hit up mean motherfucker of a collab anyway. Thanks for the review, bro!!
Metal Gear Awesome!
haha, somehow this reminds me a lot of it. Don't ask me why. It's has a nice beat and a pressure feeling. Good one. Keep it up.
9/10? and you couldn't round up to 5/5?
ah well. Thanks for the review!
Not bad!
Usually I don't like to listen to grunge kinda tunes. But this one of the "ok" ones for me. Solid guitar playing, fits with the voice. Nice lyrics too. Yeah, thats it...oh except for kromeclutch. He's the lolers.
Give it 3/5.
Thanks for the review mate. I wrote this song along time ago. I am currently working on a electric version. probably faster and add drums to it. Im just glad people like the acoustic version. thanks for the overall mate. live long, rock on!
Good stuff!
Nice playing dude. A little to much output on the phaser fx but it's not to munchy. Fucking cool leads. Yeah, I know how much shitty equipment sucks. Had the same problem, but it's finally fixed, haha.
Anyways, cheers and beers, boobs and booze!
Thanks man. im also sorry for not responding sooner. yeah since then i was able to get better equipment so i might redo this one. thanks again
Episode III Attack of the Synth...;D
The beat is nice but those synth guitars...horrible, just horrible...This could sound so good with real guitars. The Song just gets messed up by them. Well...it was an attempt anyways but I would try and get some more "realistic" sounding guitars.
yeah i know. guitars are the hardest thing to synthesize, and since i can't actually play the guitar it makes things difficult. the synth i used was the best sounding out of all of em though but i can only do so much with it. thanks for the review =)
Catchy beat there, enjoyed listening to it. Druggy bassline there. As a metalhead I can't really say more about this one. Except for Good job -ZENON-!
5 out of 5.
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05