The new drumsamples sound good but kinda flat for me. Your sound is very scratchy in there. Anyway, some kick ass riffs there. Testing that voting button now.
The new drumsamples sound good but kinda flat for me. Your sound is very scratchy in there. Anyway, some kick ass riffs there. Testing that voting button now.
Kinda flat to me too, I will maybe add some dist, or reverb. The guitar is scratchy, cause I was playing the eq settings, to pull off some pintches or two. But, yeah scratchy.
Thanks for the review man!
Good job old sock, too bad those zero wanks flagged it down because they don't know about the true power of the socks, he!
The kick is way better then in the previews versions. Uargh!
0 voters like me. And I like them. Angry? naw. I know something they don't. ;)
Anyways, glad you like the kick, though it was just one of the standard beatcraft samples.
Thanks for the review, man!
Woah, I feel like I am on L.D. 50 or something (even though I don't do illegal drugs ^^)
It's chill and you can just melt away by listening. I don't want to know how it would sound like when I am drunk (in a positive way). Deserves more then one download from me.
If I were you I had put this into ambient. This song is too good to be in the misc. area were it will be forgotten fast. Sadly.
If you ever come around in the heavy metal area, I would much appreciated a review from you. :)
Thanks - I might have been drunk when I made it... or suffering a hangover - one of the two. I'll make sure to get over and check out some of your stuff as well.
Pump up the volume!
At first I thought that background melodie would never change but yeah it gets very catchy in that one part (Would use this one for a sad or heroric track if I were you). More like that would totally rule this song. I like it non the less...don't ask why. XD
If you ever get around on the metal section again it would be much appreciated if you could check some of my audio. You know how hard it is to get some reviews here. ^^'s my time...Voting time that is.
Yeah, I know how tough it is in Metal. I'll check it out when I get the chance. thanks again.
Good one!
Impressive work. Many things in there to keep the song interesting. The mix is great, everything has it's part and it don't sound chaotic in any way.
Cool tune!
Thanks. It was one of the reasons why it was picked in a submission in the Portal^_^. 'Preciate the review^_^
Cool tune old bean. One thing to complain though. The base kicks sound kinda strange, did you lowered the pitch and cut on them. ;)
Evil Intro that makes me wanna hide somewhere. Maybe it would even creep more if the fill to the heavy part was smoother somehow.
Haha, thanks man, I think I smoothed out the fill to the heavy part. Plus added a cool solo. Posted that version on under Darkness Incorporated. Gonna re-do it one more time, with a better kick sample. I wasnt happy with the kick either. few days, I should have a better version with the kick different.
Thanks for the review dude, and the 5.
Sock On!\m/
Some parts were fuzzy and the ending was a little abrupt but I liked the harmonized guitars on this one very ,icj. Pretty cool for your very first song. Nice leads.
Only thing to complain here are the drums. A bit to simple. That one tempochange is quite abrupt but thats not too bad, you came quite smooth out of it.
Gets my...
thanx. yeah this song sounds like crap to me now 'cause i made it about 3 or four years ago now. eventually when i get better at programming drums i'll redo this one and it'll kick so much more ass.
Not bad!
First off, ahh my ears!!! I would cut the highs a or mute the track a little. Because of that 7 in clarity. The riff itself builds up good, maybe some fills here and there would give it a little more variety till 1:22.
Everything gets catchy. Rave on! LoL. XD
thanx. glad you liked it. yeah i tried to cut it the best i could but somereason that was the best it would get witout drownin' it out totally. of course fruity loops coulda had a processin' fart!
Good job!
I hear a big improvement here. Have really nothing to complain about the song, awesome tune mofo.
download and voting time....
Hey thanks for your review man! Ya I'd have to say there is a big improvement from my earlier songs. And it's only going to get better lol.
Good work!
First off all could you send me that "rain" soundfile? I like to use some "rain" on my pieces aswell in the next time. My email is . Thanks in advance!
To the track itself. It's a very sad one, I like it alot, reminds me of a wasted land with no hope. Nothing to complain here, maybe of the fact that I'm a metalhead and classic is not really my style. haha. XD
Oh and before I forget. 5 out of 5. ^^
heh, sure i'll see what I can do about that rain file, though it was hell to work with, so much cutting and sampling up.
Many thanks for the review ^^.
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05