remember me!?
If yes, good, if not...I was that "asshole" who started all that "self-downloader-thingy".
So, how did I came up with this idea you may ask. Well, I checked out the track, thought, yeah not bad and wanted to leave a review for it. But before that I updated the site and saw that the dl's raised more than fucken fast. Ok, how could this be I thought. Your site wasnt up at that time and you were pretty new to the audio portal, not a bad thing, but it was strange. A new artist there, reaches Platinum in less than 7 hours!?
Ok, so I watched the dl's rise and rise, and it just stopped going up so fast (20-40 dl's in each 20 seconds) just at Platinum-status! Then I thought, ok now it smells really funny. And the rest...well, you know the rest...
Maybe I should have waited with it, or didn even started a thread about it, cause now your site is up again, I checked it and I saw that there are many people out there who are listening to your work/s. Easier to say, it was stupid.
It's not my manner to missjudge somebody and I see now that I made a mistake, so therefore I apologize. I just hope that you now can better understand my motion to start such an "propaganda" about this 1 track and I hope we can be artists who are respecting each other.
To the track itself:
Good track, though the guitars sound a lil fuzzy and flat to me, you could put a little bit more effort in the playing. Overall good one.
I give it 4/5.
Just a friendly advice at the end:
It's not a good idea to rate 5 for your song just when you put them in the portal and got no review or dl for it. Cause some or many idiots will directly zero vote without listen to it first. It would be better if you vote 4. Cause in this way you get more attention, even if it sounds stupid, and those nice zero voters oversee you the most time.