You like...
monkeys, do you? A real strange tune. 1/5
You like...
monkeys, do you? A real strange tune. 1/5
wooah dude, even my small mind can work out 6/10=3/5 and u gave me a 1.
Another depresant thingy. ^^ Really like these sort of tunes. Could be a little more diversified, but it's ok how it is. I give it 4/5.
Thanks alot... I guess.... Yeah it could have had a little more diversity, but I think it came out just fine. Thanks for your review, and vote!
Not bad!
Hm, strange, that this didn't recieve any review or vote. The song is like I wrote in the summary not bad. The Intro is nice and the track is solid.
Sometimes the lyrics don't fit, but thats not too bad. Lets see how far it can go. 4/5.
Thanks for the review, we appreciate it alot. We also want to see how far this song can get.
Nice and slow!
Yeah, thats what it is. Just like good sex (haha, just kidding) ^^
Hahahaha.Thanks for checking it out man.
Guitar synthesizers suck!
The drums are ok, but the "electric guitars" sound blank and boring, also the bass. With a "real" guitar and a real bass in it, this would be heavy and cool, but this is...not a track for the Heavy Metal Area. For that only 2/5, sry man.
can't help if the synthesizers suck, what you have to listen to for is if the rythms and melody's suck, i think they arent outstanding anyway rofl XD
Brutal as fuck!
Yes, headbang action on it's best. Evil and very cool. A must vote 5. Smooth Solo that fits good in the track. The drums are heavy, good job speedy. ^^
And btw. I'm drunk. ^_^
5/3 What??!
Glad it got you headbanging.I'm really happy with how the solo turned out and the drums took a long time to make.Thanks for the awesoem review man.
I wish I was drunk.I'm not old enough though.
He, reminds me a little bit of Metallica especially the last part sounds like "The Wait" from the Album Garage Inc. but that makes it even better. ;)
Solid Drums, good speed up's and down's and some really catchy riffs. I like it and for that I give ya 5 Muffs out of 5. :D
Thanks! Ya I thought the end sounded alot like metallica. The song was kind of a mixture of Iced Earth and metallica. Both great bands! Again thanks for the review!:)
Kicks ass!
The Intro is nice though the high tuned Guitarline is a little bit of the street, but I'm sure you will correct that in a matter of time you drunken bastard (no Gore...not you) :D
For now I give it 3/5 for playing and 2/5 for the booze making it stay at 5.00. ;)
Hooray!!! Thanks Darkside. Whiskey is very enjoyable, but I had a rough night last night spewing. Thanks again!!
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05