Yes, really nice indeed. Catchy track. Good job here.
Yes, really nice indeed. Catchy track. Good job here.
Thanks man. There is more to it. But it sounds better by myself in my opinion. Thanks again!
Like it. There were some little mistakes in it but besides that, really solid track. And it seems you got the same problem as I have. No drums and no bass. ^^
Yes, I'm not alone! haha.
thanks man. I have drums and bass to it. It's just that my band wasn't recording the song at the time of the submission.
Cool though. I'll check out some of your stuff. Thanks for reviewing!
Something bothers
Hm, well I got the feeling that something is not right. Maybe the drums!? The Track sounds a little bit woozily.
But besides that it's good. 4/5
Thanks man.The drums were a bit wierd for some reason they aren't cutting through very well.I'm also not very good at recording my bass yet.Thanks for the review man.
come on...
Ok, I want to be honest with you. The Clarity is really bad, the hole thing has no real structure. In my opinion it's not a riff, it's just a little jamming around. Your not playing guitar for a long time do you?
Keep on praticing. 1/5
Yeah, I know the clarity is really bad. I'm using a smokey pocket amp. This was more of a test song, and I guess you're right about the jamming thing. Also, work on your grammar dude. I have no idea what "Your not playing guitar for a long time do you?" means. I have been playing guitar for 1 1/2 years, if thats what you mean. And that was me just playing off the cuff, with no rehearsal at all. My other song is much better.
Well, it's ok but I have the feeling your guitar was bad out of tune, huh!? Sounded not so good as usual. For that only 2/5, sry man.
Woah, I completely oversight this one. O_o
Gosh, kick ass intro there man! It's like a bomb exploding in a few seconds. And I hope this explosion is getting heavy. ;)
HaHa Thanks a lot.I've finished the drums for the whole tune and I'll start on the riffs today probably.It will be heavy very heavy indeed.Thanks for listening.
Not that bad!
Well, by hearing it 5 times now, I must say it doesn't loops so smoothly, sry. But anyways it's a nice short.
Yeah I know.It looped perfectly in Cakewalk but oh well.Glad you liked it man thanks for the review.
Wohl echt nix zu tun in den Sommerferien, wah? Effort gib ich ne 10, weil eure/deine Darmflora wohl ganz schön gelitten hatte. :-P
Die Bewertung kommt jetzt...:-P
Lass dir mal was besseres einfallen. Für sowas brauch man das Audioportal nicht zu missbrauchen.
Danke, danke. Hab in meiner Freizeit echt nichts besseres zu tun. Das "Lied" ist schon älter... Hab´s nur zum Joke geupped.
Hell yes!
WTF!? O_o
Man this is a very cool recording you did there. And you want to tell me, that you can not make good music?
Don't tease me man, cause I voted 5. :-P
Thanks Dood! And technically, I never said that my music isn't good. I said I wish I could make as good music as you. I can only wish further, my good friend.
Thanks for voting 5 Dood I really appreciate it.
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05