Something clever, cunning, yet thought provoking and intelligent. something like... OMFGZORZ!!11! Thats what the cat-bastards are bout! Nuff said. true! I salute to your creativity you bastards!
Something clever, cunning, yet thought provoking and intelligent. something like... OMFGZORZ!!11! Thats what the cat-bastards are bout! Nuff said. true! I salute to your creativity you bastards!
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No words!
Just love! You know what I think about your shit maaan! Can't get any more better than this on the portal! :)
All hail to the king of the heavies!
Any other rating than a straight 10 is blasphemy and furthermore shows that some people don't appreciate talent! Pure fucking magic Jon. Your skills are, as always, simply amazing.
It's a riff fest! D:
Yummy down on this! Long time no hear but still good old bastard material! Screb ends duder! Keep up that wank job!
Ah great!
One of my fav. pieces from MML 2 and you really gave it a good portion of love. I faved it on sheezy art as well a good while back and will do so here as well...I'll also will give some more exposure. You'll find out soon enough. :)
Anyways, good job man.
Danke :3
Ich weiß, ich kann es nicht sehr oft zeigen, aber ich finde dein Zeug klasse. Das Traurige ist, dass ich mich nur selten für Rock begeistern kann ;D
Sounds like Rammstein indeed!
Very beefy guitar sound there dude! Like it a lot, though, I gotta agree with "thecoreman" that the drums are way to overcompressed but other than that I think it's a cool track. Maybe a few mids on the rhyhtm guitar couldn't hurt as well but overall it's a cool song to bang your head to! :)
5 along the way!
Bad ass bro! A perfect track. Love the vox but you already know about that! Hugs and kisses and such! :x
Thank you, my brother.
Awesome shit bro!
Great sound, great playing, great shit! Props man!
Sweet shit!
That was really some good shit. This sounds very pro overall. Your vox have def. improved. They sound very wicked when layered. Enjoyed it! :)
Don't really have stuff to complain about so the review is shorter than intended. lawl. ;)
Thanks man. I love it when you don't complain. That makes a happy DarKsidE. <3
Simply amazing. Great shit man...simply great!
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05