Very nice!
Want to cover this as well sometime. Great mix of all the instruments. Drums are boob on and the bass was a real nice touch in this. Solid guitar playing as well! Good work and good tune!
Keep it up! 5/5!
Very nice!
Want to cover this as well sometime. Great mix of all the instruments. Drums are boob on and the bass was a real nice touch in this. Solid guitar playing as well! Good work and good tune!
Keep it up! 5/5!
Thanks a lot!
Could have been mixed a little bit better (more bass / not as static piano / better fitting drums) but overall it was fun to listen to. Keep it up!
Thank you! Hrm, too bad I can't edit that now. Oh well!
Naaa, basicly it sucks. ;)
This must have been slipped through ma review line. Ah well, now you good it...Good job bro! :D
wha?LOLLERZXXX. You must have a bottle in your hand. haha.
Not much to say's a near 1 to 1 remake. I liked it very much though. Gonna cover this pretty soon in the near future and this gives me already the chill for it! Nice one man! :)
loll thanks for the review I really appreciate it. =)
Erm!? >:(
WTF!? Stay out of the resort for real headbangers you faggo! >:(
Well...the song...had a nice structure...but that was quite all. I mean, synth guitars + synth bass = fail. :(
The drums had a pretty decent sound and the strings were a nice touch too but the guitar was know...horrible. A nice try to score around here dear ZENON but stay in ur genre since you can do kick ass stuff there, I mean it! :P
Long story suck! >:(
Aw, you're cruel :(
Nice take on this!
Good job on the mixing Bad-Man! This was fairly fine. The drums had a nice tone in this. Minuspoints because they sound a little bit "static/midish" in some parts. The lead guitar was pretty quite...could barely hear the soloing. The rhythm guitar had a good thrashy sound (drop C ftw). To bad some bass is missing but it's not that bad.
The playing was solid and pretty good for a boy your age. ;)
Overall, nice take on of this classic tune! \m/
Haha thanks dude! Wait until Bad-Man does vocals on this, should be awsome then.
Liked it! Better than my first take on it. xD
Think I should redo mine as well. lollers. Anyways, Everything fit well together. The guitar could have had a better tone but it was still nice! :)
Good job! 5/5
Yeah, I agree actually... but this bit of music is already several years old, and I have progressed much since then, both in terms of production skill, recording gear and just playing in general. Not that I would re-record it...
Thanks for the review.
>: U
Cat-bastards do not approve! >:(
Btw...don't reveal our secret i.d. ya nobert! >:(
loluasdfoajsdfolOMGfGfDKljsfl! >:(
I have failed Master.
I must now commit sacrificial suicide.
*feeds self to lions*
You got the be friggin kiddin me! XD
Oh boy...Apple Market...swell fun with can's and stuff. Those nice gaming moments, haha. You nailed this remix perfectly. Sweet upbeat sound and atmosphere. Great work on this! I enjoyed it very much!
Keep up the good work mate!
Thanks dude you too!
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05