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Not bad! :)

Hey, it's getting there! Finally a real structure and suprislingly good sound. Sure, there are some things you still can improve - like the drums, which are pretty low in the mix but hey, till 1:20 it's very nice to listen to.

So all in all, good work man! :)

Le 4/5!

newskies responds:

Thanks! Aber du scheinst vergessen zu haben, dass du mit mir deutsch reden kannst^^ hehe
englisch geht ja, denglisch vllt grad noch^^
jaaa jeder verbessert sich mal, nicht?

I hate you! >:(

Why the fuck don't you do this with one of my tunes? D:< I mean the vox...daym. Sounding professional as hell. You suck the "black-cock-of-night" >:(


Anyways, congrats on getting a weekly featuring spot. I'm kinda jealous since you get one nearly everytime. hehe. Good work from Angels as well. Only thing I don't like is the very blank snare but that's quite all. The rest is kick as metal on it's best. Soundqualitywise this tune increases my e-penis to over 9000!!!1one!

Eat my 5! >:U

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

You don't hate me.
And, the reason I don't do this to one of your songs is,
You put every emotion into your songs. They are so full, its hard to find a spot for vocals. What, with your wicked rhythms and beautiful leads. If You write a song with an empty spot in it for vocals, and I will crush it. haha.

Thank you for the congrats, but...your songs are rated better, used in more flashes..and a lone 0 bomber doesn't get you down quickly. They have more listens, more downloads and more positive reviews, so it is I, who is jealous. :P

Anyways, I really like the sound of Angel's's's' drum samples too. Thanks for the review, peNor boy. haha.

Catch ya soon\m/


Why the hell haven't I wrote a review for this yet!? D:

I fived it back then but I guess I was too lazy to write a review. hehe. Anyways, this is by far your best song man. GREAT soundquality and pretty damn moving riffs. The singing and the playing itself merged together perfectly! Nice solo as well my friend. This could air anywhere in my view. Somebody should make a kick ass flash movie for this in any case!!

5ived yet again! \m/

speedmetalmessiah responds:

I thought you had already reviewed it. I'd agree that this is the best tune I've made so far. I was really happy with how it all came together with Badman's vocals. Hopefully I can kick out some more tunes as good or better than this one. Thanks for the vote and review bro.

Fun! ;D

Cover well made dude. The only thing that bugs me are the vox, they sound a bit to powerless in some areas. Apart from that, nice and druggy guitar tone and good tone on the drums. A bit more kick in the mix wouldn't hurt there but it's all sweet man. Carefull with the master output though, the track cracks pretty often!

Overall I say nice one, no insult at all!


Keep it up! \m/

TheRealSam responds:

Thanks a lot! Yeah I noticed the cracks, I'll try to fix that. And I don't know how to give some power to the voice (when I listen to it alone, it sounds cool, but with the instruments, it looses its power :s).
Anyway, thank you very much for the review and vote!

It's ok!

Well, from what I could hear it was ok. Well played, so the basic cover was good. The soundquality though was very bad. Couldn't hear much at all. The song get's a bit boring after awhile though, it's basicly the Theme over and over with no real changes. Some different leads or a little melodical solo would have been a benefit for this track.

Other than that, ok track, just try to improve your soundquality!

Keep it up! 3/5

Blackdoom13 responds:

It wasnt excatly the quality.
It was the effect I was using it didnt come thourgh as well as I hoped, no matter.
Thanks for the reveiw!

Slaps!? lmao

I hope that bass is self-played since the slaps sound damn nice! (doub it though) Anyways, nice structured song. I surely can imagen a kite going into the air. The child/man holding it, watching it going higher and higher. You captured the feeling for sure. The soundquality was very nice too, very gentle piano tone there. The only thing I didn't like was the synth- or I guess better to say synth sounding guitar. :/

Other than that, good job man! 5up from me!

jnry3 responds:

Hey thanks! ^_^ The five means a lot.

Well... it's a fully-synthetic track. I'm still trying to turn the synthetic guitar into something that would sound a bit more realistic. Yup, that's slap bass. Can play that if I had practice (been away from my bass for quite some time already... months!).

Again, many thanks for the review and the five and nine! ^_^

It's ok!

Also die Struktur gefällt mir. Hört sich nach nem guten Ingame track für ein 2D Prügelspiel an. Vom Sound her ist es allerdings sehr sehr mager (Guitar pro halt) und demnach kannste auch nicht sehr viel dran verbessern. Vom eigentlichen Aufbau her war's wie gesacht solide und ich will mal beim voten nicht so sein.

4/5! Keep it up! ;)

Haggard responds:

Hey, vielen Dank!
Ja, der Sound ist natürlich ziemlich miserabel, aber leider leider habe ich sonst keine Möglichkeit Musik aufzunehmen als unter der Verwendung von Guitar Pro. Und das Geld ist - wie sollte es auch anders sein - recht knapp bemessen ^^.

Naja, egal auch.
Thanks for the review! :)


The composition itself was very nice. Good harmonics and structure. Though, a major let-down is the soundquality. Like speedmetal already mentioned, if it was played with real instruments, this would be a killer. None the less, I give you props for the tune. A very good job you did there indeed!


studio-nightbird responds:

thank you. yea this is my first self composed rockish like song...I mostly compose slow classical piano music. and you can see some of it has been put in here. I am making it again with real instruments though. thanks for the review


Nicht schlecht. Anit-Emo is immer gut. Der Trackaufbau an sich is ziemlich sauber. Vocals sind schön knarzig und aggressive, jedoch ist der generelle Sound eher mager. Schlagzeug ist kaum hörbar. Bekomm da gar nicht die schönen Triplets und double kicks mit. :(

Lass mich raten...Proberaum recording? Anders könnt ich es mir nicht vorstellen. Gitarrensound ist auch nicht gerade das none plus ultra. Hört sich an wie ein 15 W Verstärker auf Crack. hehe. Bass ist soweit ich das hören kann drin? ;)

Finde das Panning zwar nicht so sehr passend, aber das ist bekanntlich Geschmackssache.

Vom soundmäßigen her sag ich eher 5/10, aber die lyrics und vocals haben es in sich, also geb ich mal 9/10. Das Ganze ist aber auf jeden Fall noch ausbaufähig. Was benutzt ihr denn zum recorden? Tipps hätt ich sogar umsonst zu verscherbeln. ;)

Anyways, good job! 5/5

Keep it up!

CWN responds:

1, Da gibt es kein WIR sonder nur ICH. Eine reine One-Man-Band.
2. Gitarren klingen mager, da ich leider nur meine Fender nehmen konnte zum Aufnehmen, BC Rich war kaputt zur Zeit. Außerdem bin ich dummerweise direkt mit Klinke in den Computer rein, anstatt über Micro den Verstärker abzunehmen...
3. Hatte kein Bock alles nochmal zu remastern. Der Song is schon etwas älter. Vielleicht setzt ich mich noch ran :D

...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^

Age 40, Male

permanent headbanger



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