Sounds a bit like "Diabolo" at the start. Nice going with the bells, they fit pretty good. Sry, for the short review but I don't know what to write atm.
Sounds a bit like "Diabolo" at the start. Nice going with the bells, they fit pretty good. Sry, for the short review but I don't know what to write atm.
That's alright mate, I'm sure you'll think of something ;) Thanks for the review.
yay, not a gaytard!
Hm, interesting tune. The growl at the start is damn heavy man. On the one side, a bit of gore, on the other side melodics. Sound kinda weird, but fits quite well somehow to my suprise. The middle part reminds me a bit of Machine Head (Real Eyes,Realize,Real Lies on the album burn my eyes)
5/5 cause it's some heavy shit.
Thank you very much... I tried to do something different with this song... it's like death metal, but it's got piano... and some almost numetalish riffs and then some spoken word... but yeah, I'm glad you liked it. Expect more cause I love making music... in fact I'm working on a cover of Opeth's song Deliverance... it's gonna be bad ass when I'm done (I hope).
short song, short review!
Really good tune, sadly that it is so short.
Hey, thanks for the review!
I really don't understand why people have such a problem with it being so short.
A small little analogy to illustrate my opinion: I'd rather have a cup of really rich, thick, meaty soup than a big pot of watery, unsatisfying soup. You get where I'm getting at?
I think the ratings for this song from both reviewers and voters show what kind of material this song really is. I went into it thinking, "Ah, a 30-second song isn't really going to get much appeal from a community such as Newgrounds." And although people expressed some problems with the length, people really liked the tune anyways.
Like I said before in my other responses (HAD YOU READ THEM, hahaha), I made an extended version of this song that will be revealed later, but I still seem to like the shorter version better.
It's short and sweet, like it should be. Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself hahaha.
Quite possibly the most comprehensive author's response, EVER, hahaha. Cheers!
You know what, the combo between the bells in the Intro reminds me of Terranigma - Dark side field.
You got me cold on this one. Really cool, very black hearted. 5/5
Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to hear that song before I replyed to you so I could see for myself but I couldn't find it.
Thanks for the review.
To give is to get!
He, I forgot to check on some of your other stuff, your review reminded me of that. XD
Anyways, this is a very nifty peace of work, sounds very dreamy. It has a bit of russian accent on it, but thats cool.
I think this could be a very good tune for scences like falling snow and stuff. I really like it.
5 not 0.
Zero voters, fuck off!
Yah a 5! Yeah they suck :( Thanks for the vote man.
I'm not laughing!
Old Fuckhead, just my kind of stlye, thats what I mean...thats the shit...Like it alot, only thing I have to complain about is your vocals. They must be louder but apart from that, it's a cool tune! \m/
And 5up it goes!
Heheh, I'll turn em up on the next ballad, if I do one. Thanks for checkin it out and not laughin you Foooker!!\m/
Holy fuck??
Where did Ozzy come from? No wait...this was you! Fuck...:O
Dang thats some mean bad ass vocalacting there. Sounded just like the real thing. The change into the heavy part was chaotic but nice somehow. The heavy part itself was evil as fook.
Well, glad you liked it. It was definitely fun. Good ole tune like that. Plus metalizing an already metal tune? Was really fun. I think Mustaine (megadeth) still kicks ass on this song, other than the original.
Thanks for checkin it out fooker!!\m/
Fucking ace!
Fucking good collab of you two. The start is cool as fook. Really heavy melodical shit. Just got to like it! Some little fucked up's in the Solo, but who cares? You? Me? I don't think so!
download and 5iven!
heh, I recorded the solo all at once, improvised. I tried about 6 times, but I just thought 'fuck it, this will do.'
Short but sweet!
He, the rythm reminds me of L.A.P.D from The Offspring. ^^ Nice Solo, really good job, played solid.
Hmm never heard that solo.Thanks a lot for the compliment.
Well, it's sounds a bit strange to me. Somehow I don't like it at all. The guitars are annoying and don't really go with rest of it, in my opinion they sound to high.
This could be much better if you played something else on the guitar speedy.
3/5 sry dudes.
Hahahahaha at least you were honest about it.I actually find this to be a great review made me laugh my ass off haha.
Some people will like it and others won't so no worries man.
...Music is the way to show your deepest feelings... Not everyone likes metal... FUCK THEM!! kekeke! ^_ ^
Age 40, Male
permanent headbanger
Joined on 7/20/05